Name: Matthew Ashworth
Address: Liberty Township
Email: AshworthForCongress@Gmail.Com
Family Information: Married with 2 sons.
Occupation: Chief executive officer of DigitalUnderwriter.Com Inc and AmericanBPO.US
Position Sought: Running for Congress in Ohio’s 8th district.
Previous Experience: None
Reason for seeking office:
I have been a mortgage underwriter and auditor for many years and have watched progressive policies destroy the economy and the American mortgage industry. As a business owner my firm competes with overseas firms, for American banking jobs, and that can be quite the challenge when the banks (who we bailed out) prefer to outsource mortgage jobs overseas where the labor is a quarter of the price. Foreign firms do not have a minimum wage, overtime, onerous EPA laws or a huge Obamacare tax on their labor. Government policies have priced the American worker out of the worldwide workforce. I have a jobs plan that will put millions of Americans to work. I support the FairTax. I believe federal contracts should be awarded to American firms who employ American workers. I believe we should impose financial disincentives on banks and other firms who outsource American jobs. We need to start protecting the working poor and middle class American workers.
Goals for office if elected:
My top 10 goals are as follows: 1. Require federal contracts go to American workers. 2. Impose financial disincentives on firms that outsource American jobs in order to equalize the price of labor between American and foreign labor markets. 3. Repeal Obamacare 4. Term Limits for house and senate (I personally pledge to serve 6 years in the house max). 5. Balanced Budget Amendment 6. I support school choice for all parents and we should end Common Core immediately. 7. We need to eliminate all special exemptions for congress and halt all pay increases until the unemployment rate is under 5%. 8. I support the Liberty Amendments and am for mandatory voter ID. 9. I do not support amnesty and will fight for English as the only language and securing the borders at any cost. It’s a matter of national security, American culture and jobs. 10. My goal is to dramatically roll back the federal government and give control back to the states.
What do you see as the greatest need to be addressed in the position you seek?:
The most important issue we have is the jobs crisis. Millions of working poor and middle class folks have lost their homes, their jobs and incomes, families have been uprooted and lives have been lost and it’s all because of progressive policies. Someone needs to take a stand for the poor and middle class in America. All these politicians and their crony capitalist friends have no idea what people are going through. It’s astonishing to me that while millions of Americans are out of work, the President and the Speaker seem prepared to pass amnesty. Who is that going to help? This administration outsourced the Obamacare website..twice, to me that’s a slap in the face to the American IT industry. We bailed out the banks and then they turned around and sent all our mortgage jobs (and your personal information) overseas. This is why I got in the race. I am fighting for the future of the American workforce.