Jobs Plan

The reason I have entered the race to be the next congressman to represent Ohio’s 8th district is because I believe I have some solutions to improve the economy and create jobs.  
1.  We should require all federal contracts be awarded to American firms employing American workers only.  It’s an affront to the American worker that the Obamacare website contract was awarded to a foreign firm over an American firm…twice, by this administration. 
2.  I believe implementing the FairTax is the greatest weapon we can use to cure our massive unemployment and disastrous economy.
3.  We should impose financial disincentives on firms that outsource American jobs overseas in order to equalize the cost of labor between American and foreign labor markets.  I have watched the American mortgage labor market be virtually destroyed by government policies and by the banks (who we bailed out) who then turned around and outsourced all the American banking jobs overseas.  Soon there will be virtually no reason for a company to use American workers because they can get the same service for a quarter of the price overseas.  Overseas firms do not have to pay a minimum wage, they ignore human rights, pollute with impunity and they don’t have a huge Obamacare tax on their labor.  This regime has made the American worker an unaffordable commodity.  American workers can no longer compete with their overseas counterpart because of the additional tax on their labor by the government.  Unless we equalize the cost of labor American jobs will continue to leave the country.
Enacting these proposals along with going forward with the Keystone pipeline and starting to convert our country to natural gas would create a modern American economic renaissance.  
If we do not rise up and make some changes we are looking at decades of job loss and economic insecurity for the American people.  
It’s time to start doing what we need to do to bring American jobs back to this country and protect American workers. 
Warm Regards,
Matthew Ashworth
Congressional Candidate for Ohio’s 8th District
[email protected]
Full Platform


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