How Progressives Use Terrorist Tactics To Change America

Have you ever wondered how terrorism furthers a political agenda?
Terrorist groups seek to overthrow the government but how does that actually work?
The answer may surprise you and how the methods parallel Progressive tactics will probably shock you.
When a terrorist act is committed the populace feels unsafe and they in turn put pressure on their politicians to protect them.  The politicians dutifully oblige and you end up with the likes of the NSA and our now militarized police force but what you lose are your freedoms.
That part of the story most people are familiar with but how does that lead to regime change?
Part of the answer is that at first the citizens look to the government for protection.  If the government cannot protect its citizens from terrorist attacks, the citizens will surely replace it (and the politicians know that) but the rub is that as the populace loses freedoms (due to government efforts to “protect” them) they are effectively becoming more and more repressed by the government.  
Now ask yourself..what happens when the government represses the population?
The answer is simple…a repressed populace will rise up and overthrow the government that is repressing them and that is when a terrorist organization steps in and restores order out of disorder, under their leadership.
The key point is that it is the government’s repressive response to terrorism which enables the terrorist to ultimately succeed in their goals.  
Do you see how this administration is following the terrorists playbook to the letter? 
The Fascist Progressives have destroyed the American economy and now they are stepping in with the “solution” (if you call socializing our economy and putting half the population on welfare a “solution”) and additionally they are using their “solution” as an excuse to violate our civil liberties and hold themselves above the law.
What’s so insidious about the Obama regime is that they violate  our rights on the pretense of protecting us but in reality it is about furthering their own agenda and ensuring their own power.
Americans have more fear of their government than at any time in our history and that fear is used to repress and intimidate the American population.  
We fear the IRS, we fear the NSA, we fear our militarized police force, we fear the department of homeland security, we fear the ATF, EPA etc.  This government has turned these government agencies into political weapons and that is a crime and an impeachable offense in my opinion.
Americans should be wary of any politician who says we should give up our freedoms in exchange for “security” and the Obama regime and other Fascist-Progressives in this government would be wise to realize that Americans are reaching their limit and that a swing the other direction is coming and the tyrants and those who abused their power and trust will not be forgotten.
 Matthew Ashworth
Congressional Candidate for the 8th District of Ohio



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